Tournament Rules: 

1) Tournament entry fees must be paid prior to the start of each tournament. In the event a member’s entry fee must be paid after the start time due to late arrival, entry fee must be paid prior to the tournament weigh-in. 

2) Members are permitted to start late but must check in with another member before fishing. They also must allow a live-well check by that member at time of check in.

3) No fishing in the designated body of water within 12 hours before a tournament start time.

4) Members must stay within the launch area (ramp) prior to the start of the tournament. No fishing until the tournament director or representing committee member signals that the tournament can begin.

5) All boats must have an aerated live-well or equivalent functioning system to maintain fish health. Every effort must be made to keep fish alive. All fish must be released after weigh-in with the exception of a trophy fish.

6) Life Jackets must be worn by all members while running motors (larger than 10 hp) faster than no-wake speed.

7) Members must follow all no-wake laws and regulations. Any member found violating state laws while operating their boats will be disqualified. Club enforced no-wake rule violations will be waived in the event of an emergency or inclement weather such as thunderstorms.

8) The use of live or natural bait during a tournament for any reason is prohibited.

9) Members cannot leave their boat with the intent to fish. Members are permitted to leave their boats to use the restroom, perform boat or vehicle repairs, or to access their vehicles for equipment, food, or personal items. 

10) Only Largemouth, Smallmouth, and Spotted (Kentucky) bass qualify for the weigh-in. Minimum length permitted for the weigh-in is 10 inches on slot lakes. All other size qualifications will follow the state regulations for that body of water.

11) Members are forbidden from making any alterations to fish (cutting tails, adding weights). If a member is found guilty by the tournament committee, they will be disqualified from the event immediately

12) Members are subject to disqualification from tournaments for breaking club rules. Depending on offense, members are subject to their membership being revoked by majority vote of club elected officials. 

Dues & Entry Fees: 

Entry Fee - The tournament entry fee is $30 per angler and will be paid out per-entry as listed below;

1st Place: $15

2nd Place: $10

3rd Place: $5

As an example, if there are 30 members fishing an event the payouts would be as follows: $450 for first, $300 for second, and $150 for third.

Big Bass Pot - There is an optional $5 entry per member for the “Big Bass” pot which is paid out to the boat who weighs in the largest fish of the tournament. All collected entries are paid to the winning angler/team.

Dues - Every angler must pay a $10 club dues fee per fishing season to participate in club tournaments. The breakdown of this entry will be as follows and is subject to change every off-season. The split for the 2025 season will be as follows; 

General Fund: $0

Fall Classic: $10

Fall Classic: 

1) Members who qualify for the Classic will vote on a location and time for the event. The votes may be completed in person or in the club “WhatsApp” group chat. The date and time of the event are not subject to change. Voting will take place following the final regular season tournament.

2) Standard entry fees and the optional “Big Bass” pot are collected during the Classic tournament. The payouts are enhanced by any “Classic Pot” money that is collected from the annual dues fees.

3) Members must fish 7 tournaments to qualify for the classic. Members are permitted to pay for up to 2 “make up tournaments” to reach their 7 events for qualification. The cost is $30 per event. All collected “make up” money will be placed in the Classic payout pot.

4) Classic weigh-in and payouts follow standard tournament rules with best 5 fish per boat for scoring. Classic pot payouts are 50% towards 1st place, 30% towards second place, and 20% towards 3rd place.

Club Officials: 

President: Michael Stadelman Jr.

Vice President: Mike Stadelman Sr.

Treasurer: Mike Quinn Sr.        

Tournament Director: Mike Quinn Jr.

Tournament Committee:  Justin Faul, Adam Lawson, Stacy Deason, Mike Stadelman Jr.

Club officials are responsible for measurement and recording of fish during the weigh-in of every tournament. Club officials are also responsible for voting on any topics or issues that arise during a tournament such as disqualification due to any angler breaking the Tournament Rules. 

All 2025 season rules and officials voted on and approved by majority vote.